Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sockrates

    [] Love and dignity are like a pair of socks. [] You always end up losing one in the dryer.

  • Conditioning

    [] I use air conditioning to fight back against the air. [] I use hair conditioning to fight back against my hair. [] I use positive reinforcement on my dog because we have a mutual respect for each other.

  • Hmm

    [] If I could be a vegetable, I’d like to be a squash. [] Then I could squash the fears & insecurities of my friends.

  • Nemesis

    One man, blinded by black foliage. One woman, illuminated by fire and brimstone. One child, puzzled by the soul inside of him One link to discover for yourself.

  • Placeholder

    [] Someday, there will be a place to hold. [] Today is not that day.

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